Does anybody want to look that?
I'm tired of most of these cheap drugstore cosmetics, they try to dupe people into shilling their hard earned dollars on pure crap. I always end up spending more on makeup, than I would at Sephora, because I end up continually trying to buy the newest gimmick that doesn't work. Instead of trying to have customers who stride for brand loyalty, they want to fool customers into shopping for their drivel.
I'm simply fed up.
you need to shut your mouth. its just the lighting you retard think straight
everyone else is fed up to. they cant stand you because you want people to notice you so your trying to kill celebrities business. but try the reality world honey because everyone else is living it your living in a dumb ass fantasy world. everyone loves the queens collection and it does work for your fucking f.y.i bitch. it works but you say it doesn't because your to damn ugly for the makeup to work on your ugly ass face bitch. before you bring celebrities that can sue your skinny ass or fat ass doesn't matter. think of what your talk- ing about. because if Queen Latifah saw that you wrote this shit she will knock you on your ass bbbbbbbbbbbbbiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttttccccccccccccccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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